FR: How do you escalate from a kiss to a lay?

Last night, I was drinking with a girl friend, her hb 8 friend and another hb8 with her girlfriend---who came later in the night. I enjoyed the whole night because it was the first time that I was in control. The night was mine, the place was mine and the girls were mine.

#5 Choosing my Superhero Outfit

Being a PUA is like superhero. When you into state you become invinsible.

My Fifth Style Life Challenge: Go to the suggested clothing store from day 4 and ask the helpful saleslady to put together a complete outfit for me.

To cut it short, I went to Giordano, asked the friendliest looking saleslady to pick a complete outfit for me and did a fashion show for the whole store. 

#4 The First Time I ever got a Random Stranger's Email Address

This week has been awesome. From randomly meeting girls to having a face spa and shopping for new clothes. I couldn't ask for a better New Year.

My Fourth Style Life Challenge: Ask three random women to recommend a cool local clothing store that carries menswear. The goal is to get at least one suggestion.

# 3 The Awesomely Uncomfortable Task

Happy New Year! I'm just waiting for the fireworks to stop, so that I can go out and drink with my friends but in the meantime, I'll be writing about my awesome day 3.

 My 3rd Style Life Challenge had two requirements. First, I had to go out without taking a bath, shaving my mustache and putting on deodorant---which was so easy; Second, I needed to change the last four digits of my phone number, call that number and make them suggest a good movie to watch.

#2 Weird People, Weird Questions

I believe that the eyes is the key to your soul, character and thoughts. With practice and experience, you can know if the person is troubled, sad, happy, excited, strong will and even horny.

Which brings me to my Second Style Life Challenge: My mission is to have small talk with 5 strangers while looking them in the eye and afterwards taking note of their eye color.